
Open Source Gesture Library

Infografiken-Magazin erschienen

Mobile Design & Development by Brian Fling

Touch Gesture Reference

Ten Usability Heuristics - just a reminer

Powerful New CSS Techniques and Tools

Best Practice: Kleider online anprobieren

Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

(Co-)Prototyping mit Hotgloo – eine Bestandsaufnahme

Computer Engineer Barbie: How Interaction Design can entice a new generation of women

Designing alarms and alerts

Why is predicting the future so hard?

Ipad usability -

AMSC Windtec: wtSCADA

Best Practices for Hints and Validation in Web Forms

Fundamental Guidelines Of E-Commerce Checkout Design

The User Experience Brief

The three levels of design patterns: Implementation, flow, and context

Diagnosing Interaction Problems with Cause and Effect Diagrams

HCI patterns for safety-related environments

5 Tips für gelungene Release-Texte im Appstore

The 892 unique ways to partition a 3 x 4 grid

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Google Gives Blogger a Dynamic New Look

10 reasons why “serious” software industries can learn from computer games in terms of user experience