
VirtKick Manage your virtual machines and Docker containers

Nephorider - Visualize your cloud infrastructure in an instant!

Share And View 200+ File Formats With Jumpshare

Cloud Engineering: Ship faster with better hardware engineering tools - Upverter

Profitbricks | Create your data center online quickly and easily

The Rackspace Open Cloud

Awesome UI inspiration and resources from UICloud

Google Drive

Minus - Upload and share your files instantly

Box Overview

Mac in the cloud

Doctape - Files to go!

JMeter cloud - Instantly generate massive stress tests with comprehensive reporting and analysis tools.

CloudOn Review - Run MS Office on your iPad!

Reinvent Paperwork: doo will die Revolution des papierlosen Büros zu Ende führen

Supreme-Shop – E-Commerce-Lösung in der Cloud


Cloud storage apps for Web?